Our Investment Philosophy

Solving complex issues requires clarity of solutions and communication. Experience over many years has shown that this is best addressed by a disciplined approach based on modern investment theory. We aim to help our clients reach their goals with unbiased and practical solutions based on innovative and tailored strategies.

We base our investment process around modern portfolio theory backed by sound academic research. At the core of this structure are the following beliefs:

  • Capitalism owes you a return.
  • Markets work, as all information is known in the market and already factored in.
  • Risk and return are related, and your investment strategies should be guided by thorough academic research. In general shares have higher expected returns than fixed interest, value and small company shares perform better than growth orientated and large company stocks, and shorter term, better quality fixed interest has less risk than longer duration or lower credit holdings.
  • Diversification, the only financial free lunch, is essential to reduce risk and is obtained by diversity across asset classes and international exposure.
  • Investment performance can be explained through asset allocation.
  • Minimize costs where possible. The key to long term performance is to keep costs as low as possible. Research shows active management or stock picking does not continually outperform the market and is very difficult to implement successfully.
  • Rebalancing portfolios reduces risk, and ensures your investments remain aligned with your preferred approach to investing.

By investing over the long term our philosophy works to ensure you have a structured and disciplined approach to achieving your goals.

We look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.